Barcelona All Stars by Allejo7

23 players + 7 bônus
  Compatible DLC 2, 1.03
  No cpk
Manual Edit

23 لاعب
متوافق مع الداتا باك 2 وباتش 1.3
لايوجد ملف cpk
الاضافة عبر مود الايديت

Paste the file TEXPORT00000002 in save folder
Open game
 Menu Edit
Data manager
 Import team

نسخ الملف TEXPORT00000002 الى فولدر save في المستندات
افتح اللعبة >> edit (التعديل )
ادارة البيانات >> استيراد وتصدير
استيراد الفريق


- create save folder "only" for edit, after edit rename folder "save for edit".
- create edit file "clear".
- create "dpfilefilst" for edit, select only dlc 1 and dlc 2, after edit put the original dpfilelist of your patch or other (backup all files)
- edit your team, import players, and export in textport file.
- Open game - Menu - Edit - Data manager - Export team.
- copy the file in folder save and are done...
- import file for your own patch or other.
- NO delete, subscribe, TEAMS Indiscriminately!!! not my responsibility!!!!


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